Thursday, 7 April 2011

M.E Awareness Week 8th - 14th May

One month to go and we're getting ready for M.E awareness week. The lovely Chlay is very generously using her song, Silently, to raise funds and awareness to the cause.
It's a beautiful track, with a unique vocal style that hopefully a lot of you will enjoy!
Posters are being put up worldwide, so if you fancy doing your bit, download the track or even print off this poster and stick it up where people will see it.


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Canon (Band Artwork)

I had a bit of an urge to make something so decided to do a bit of fanart for my brothers band, Canon

All images belong to me, and may not be used or reproduced without my express permission. 

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Ipod touch wallpaper

I made a wallpaper today for my Ipod touch (eek, love) and thought I'd post it!
Hopefully I'll be able to make some more in the near future :)


Thursday, 17 March 2011

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Background for Daisy

I made a background today for my friend and partner in crime, Daisy over at What Pretty Phalanges
I'm glad she asked as I fancied doing something but didn't have any projects of my own to work on.

Please excuse the massive watermark - I'd hate for someone to pinch this and use it for themselves! (to see without mark visit Daisy's blog)

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The Proposition

I watched this last night for the first time on film4.
It's a strange one and definitely not for everyone. For a start the violence is graphic and brutal and that alone will be enough to put a lot of people off. It's one of those films where the plot feels secondary to the general style, imagery and flow of the piece.
The scenery is breathtaking, and the actors fit into each scene almost like props, rather than people who you want to get to know. Though they are all acted perfectly, they aren't explored into too much depth, which I think suits this film well. If you sit back and let it wash over you, it'll move you in ways you can't quite put your finger on.
It left a very good impression on me, and still has me thinking about it the next day.
I'd recommend it, certainly, but don't watch it if you're looking for a more mainstream, watertight plot of action and adventure that you can forget about after watching; and definitely don't watch it if you're squeamish!

A Bela Joke

A man walks into a bar and orders ten shots of vodka.
"ten?" asks the barman, taken aback.
so the barman pours him the shots, lining them up on the bar in front of the man.
the man takes the 1st and 10th glasses and pours them on the ...floor, then proceeds to drink the remaining 8 in sequence.
the barman asks "why did you pour those 2 away?"
the man replies, "because the first always tastes disgusting, and the last always makes me sick."

A terrible joke (that I laughed hard at) told by Bela, a train driver in the film, Kontroll. 
It's a wonderful film and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who's looking for something a little dreamlike and strange but filled to the brim with dark humour and interesting characters. 

Monday, 7 March 2011

Sunday, 6 March 2011

I'll leave this alone in a moment I promise.

 Phew, I think I've got enough content now to give the blog a rest for a little while. So I'll just leave it with a beautiful song to listen to while I'm gone, and a quick wallpaper to match :)

An Oldie

Using some of my Eye Stock

Movie Graphics

Feel free to use these as wallpapers etc :)
characters and pictures of characters were not created by me, all other resources used (except fonts and brushes used on the Marla Singer background) belong to me.
(Disclaimer: I created these particular graphics a while ago and have since lost most of the fonts used in them. If I've used your font and you wish me to credit you or remove it, please just let me know and I'll be more than happy to sort it out.)


Feel free to pinch these! (they're free for personal use, as always) They're super easy to use, and very high quality.
I do require credit :)


Hi everyone :)

I'll be adding lots of new textures and stock in the near future, and some wallpapers too.
I willingly accept requests for graphics and tutorials, and will hopefully be posting a few soon.

Feel free to ask questions or leave comments - I appreciate any feedback you have to offer.


Stock - Eyes (free for personal use)

All pictures free for personal use; I do however require credit. All pictures belong to me.

A few wallpapers (free for personal use)

Enjoy! Films/Television featured include, Fight club, Brokeback Mountain and Misfits.
Pictures of characters and characters themselves do not belong to me, all other resources (except fonts) belong to me.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Lovely Little Charms

Rachel from Queen of Turquoise commissioned me today to make a button for her handmade jewelery sales.

It was really fun to try something new, and Rachel seemed pretty pleased with the result too.
A good day all round :)

Some Stock/Textures (free for personal use)

I thought I'd offer up a few sky photos that I use a lot when making graphics. They're free for personal use; I do however require credit.
Not to be used for commercial work without my express written permission.

More to come!

Background Done!

All hand painted in Photoshop, and I'm pretty pleased with it. :)
Now I can start filling the molehill with goodies for all.

The MoleHill

Hi there internet!
I've created this blog as a means of showcasing some of my graphics, expressing my interests and sharing a little bit of my life with the world.
I honestly don't know how things will go with it; unfortunately I suffer from a chronic illness and my activity levels are greatly restricted, so I won't be able to put as much time into it as I'd like.

Here's a little info to get the ball rolling.
My name is Lissa and I'm 17. I enjoy graphics and digital art, I'm an absolute Film nut and am very fond of a choice few TV programs too.
I like to cook when I'm able, and love the outdoors.

My two main occupations are writing fiction and volunteering as a peer support moderator for an online, illness support group.

Hopefully I'll have some more posts up soon, and I'll get a nice background in place!
